

Confucianism and Modern Political Thought


Joseph Chan and David Wong consider the role that Confucianism might play in expanding the possibilities of contemporary political thought. They reflect on the extent to which Confucianism should be considered a resource for expanding and reinforcing certain liberal ideals, or as providing an alternative context within which the relative insights and limitations of liberalism […]

Elemental Dreaming: A Social Dreaming Matrix experience for Women and Female-identified Dreamers


You are invited to an immersive series of dreaming matrixes. Guided by the elements, these matrixes are designed to nurture creativity,  innovation and artistic practice, and to reveal new ways of being in an era of new frontiers. A cradle for thought, inspiration, and female agency. Hosted by Susan Webb, M.D. (https://danceprogram.duke.edu/susan-d-webb-md) Each series contains four […]

Virtues & Vocations Presents Bill Damon: What is the connection between purpose and character?


During spring 2021, Virtues & Vocations is offering a series of conversations at noon on Tuesdays. Reimagining Education: Character, Commitment and Community will consider issues in pre-professional and professional education related to character, purpose and vocation. On May 11, 2021, we are thrilled to welcome Bill Damon. Bill Damon and Kenan Institute for Ethics Director […]

Virtues & Vocations Presents Gilda Barabino: “How can engineering create cultures of belonging?”


During spring 2021, Virtues & Vocations is offering a series of conversations at noon on Tuesdays. Reimagining Education: Character, Commitment and Community will consider issues in pre-professional and professional education related to character, purpose and vocation. On May 18, we are thrilled to welcome Olin College President Gilda Barabino. Gilda Barabino and Kenan Institute for […]

Ethics of Now: The U.S. Economy and the Cost of Racism with Heather McGhee


The Ethics of Now with Adriane Lentz-Smith continues from home with a series of brief, thoughtful and timely conversations about the ethical dilemmas of this historic moment. Join Professor Lentz-Smith and author of New York Times Bestseller The Sum of Us Heather McGhee for a conversation on the U.S. Economy and the Cost of Racism. After registering, […]

Virtues & Vocations Presents Nicki Washington: Why Should Computer Science care about Identity?


During spring 2021, Virtues & Vocations is offering a series of conversations at noon on Tuesdays. Reimagining Education: Character, Commitment and Community will consider issues in pre-professional and professional education related to character, purpose and vocation. On May 25, we are thrilled to welcome Nicki Washington. Nicki Washington and Kenan Institute for Ethics Director Suzanne […]