
Reed McLaurin encourages other undergraduates to explore DukeImmerse

Reed-McLaurinSophomore Reed McLaurin wrote for The Rival about the unique opportunities he’s been able to take advantage of at Duke University, including KIE’s Focus cluster, DukeEngage Dublin, and DukeImmerse: Uprooted/Rerouted programs. McLaurin and the other five undergraduates have traveled for a month of field research based out of Amman, Jordan as part of our DukeImmerse program. We will be publishing their “letters home” throughout their time.

The structural barriers and social pressure that often disincentivize participation in these programs aren’t going anywhere. But what can change is our commitment to utilizing the many resources that surround us. If there is something you are passionate about, I bet there is an incredible program that will let you engage in that work. You just have to find it and have the courage to actually make it happen.