Future Fridays "deer in headlights" graphic with tagline: Real life is coming fast.

Future Fridays

This spring, the Institute will to host a regular series for graduating seniors on forging a purposeful life after Duke. As graduation approaches, seniors naturally begin to imagine details of post-graduate life in earnest. How does one craft community in a new location? What does it mean to be more fully on one’s own? But equally, how does one set up a household, or adjust to often-different rhythms of work? These conversations attend to questions of purpose and pragmatics, in a relaxed, open, and often playful atmosphere.

This year, what “life after Duke” looks like is more uncertain than usual for many—and thus the opportunity to work through questions and anxieties together is all the more important. Together, we’ll respond to questions on seniors’ minds, learn a bit, and have a lot of fun along the way.

Each week, we’ll set a discussion topic to explore, and pair it with a style of beer. (Necessarily BYOB.)

This series is open to all graduating seniors. Join us via Zoom 3:30-5:00 EDT on Fridays this spring.