
Call for Applications: Facing the Anthropocene Graduate Research Grant

For the 2022 summer term, we are offering four research grants, open to Duke doctoral/advanced masters students who seek to incorporate the Anthropocene into their research. The ideal candidate is pre- or early dissertation stage.

Grant recipients will receive a stipend of $6000. They are expected to write a short piece (to be published on the project website) on how the Anthropocene influences their research, and give a 15 minutes presentation in the 2022 fall term on how investigations of Anthropocene themes have affected their work and future research plans.

To apply, please send a 1-2 page c.v. and a completed application form to norman.wirzba@duke.edu (subject line “Anthropocene Graduate Research Grant”). DEADLINE MARCH 25, 2022. Inquiries should be directed to norman.wirzba@duke.edu.

Application: Facing the Anthropocene Graduate Research Grant, Summer 2022

Your Name:

Your Department/Program:

Which year will you be entering in Fall 2022?:

Please answer the following questions in a sentence or short paragraph:

  1. What is the topic of your current research project? How do you imagine incorporating the Anthropocene?
  2. In your opinion, in what ways (if any) does the Anthropocene push your particular discipline to rethink key questions and methodologies?