
A Virtual Design Sprint To a Transformative Future

The Kenan Institute is hosting a Virtual Design Sprint, in an effort to support the Wellbeing Economy Alliance (WEAll), to imagine a digital hub for sharing transformative resources, connecting like-minded individuals, and creating powerful narratives around fundamental political and economic transitions toward a wellbeing economy.

When? May 11-22 

  • Monday, May 11, 5:00-7:00pm
  • Wednesday, May 13, 5:00-7:00pm
  • Friday, May 15, 5:00-7:00pm
  • Monday, May 18, 5:00-7:00pm
  • Wednesday, May 20, 5:00-7:00pm
  • Friday, May 22, 5:00-7:00pm

Questions? Contact jessie.xu@duke.edu

Application Deadline Extended: Friday, May 8, 12:00pm

Apply Now

What is a Design Sprint and how can I participate?

A design sprint is a unique process for tackling big questions in new, innovative, and transformative ways. It is a process that helps us understand a problem, sketch solutions, make decisions, prototype, and receive feedback in a short amount of time.

Comprised of small multidisciplinary teams, groups will work together over the course of two weeks (virtual evening meetings and independent group work) to create the architecture of a digital hub for WEAll. Prototypes will serve to inspire the strategy and design of the final website to be utilized by global leaders, academics, organizers, activists, and other change makers looking for practical solutions in their local environments.

Groups (3-4 in each) and individuals are encouraged to apply. Individuals will be assigned a multidisciplinary group comprised of participants with varying backgrounds.

Apply Now

The “Sharing Mindset” at the Duke Campus Farm


Emily McGinty is the Assistant Manager at the Duke Campus Farm who has former affiliations with the Kenan Institute for Ethics as a “pChanger” with Kenan’s Project Change and a Team Kenan student. In this video, Emily talks to us from the Duke Campus Farm about the ongoing work there in this time of crisis — all being conducted with purpose, strategy and good intention. She discusses “Taking Inventory & Taking Action” as the process of identifying what they already do well, growing food; but changing the way it is distributed – now at no cost to a number of community-based organizations. She also explains why talking in terms of “sharing” is more powerful than a “scarcity” mindset.


“Moving away from scarcity moves us into being better sharers — not because we necessarily have more to share, but because we’re assessing and inventorying what we have, and thinking about how sharing just the smallest piece of something actually can have really beautiful and amplified impacts on people.”

Kenan Senior Fellows host live webinar Wednesday night


What Says the Great Physician? Moral Reflection, Medical Ethics & Cultural Narratives Amid COVID-19

Webinar with Dr. Patrick T. Smith & Dr. Farr Curlin, Duke Divinity School

There is a passionate conversation taking place in America right now about ethics: the competing goods of restarting the economy vs. prioritizing public health, the dignity and sanctity of human life, and the narrative of meaning (or lack thereof) that we should view this pandemic through, just to name a few of the issues.

Join us for this live webinar with Dr. Farr Curlin to explore the various medical, cultural, and ethical issues surrounding COVID-19. Dr. Curlin is a hospice and palliative care physician at Duke where he holds joint appointments in the School of Medicine, including its Trent Center for Bioethics, Humanities & History of Medicine, and in Duke Divinity School, including its Initiative on Theology, Medicine and Culture.

This webinar is co-sponsored by the Duke Divinity School Theology, Medicine and Culture Initiative. It is part of a greater conversation series featuring faithful professionals in the field. See our YouTube channel for previous webinar recordings.

Food Security for Resettled Refugees

Nali Gillespie is a third-year Duke Medical Student who is leveraging her background of growing up on a “mini farm” in California with her Duke experiences of reaching out to resettled communities through Kenan’s Duke Immerse program in Jordan and her ongoing work with the Kenan Refuge Project. Nali points out how the resettled refugee community in the Triangle is facing even greater challenges in the COVID-19 pandemic and is working to establish fresh and sustainable food security through community gardening.

“These times have really made me think about if I can do something, if I know something, then why on earth should I NOT do it? I think it’s really pushing us to stretch our imagination about how we can support folks who are really struggling during this time.”

A Word from our Partners: Families Moving Forward

This week we checked in with one of our longest-standing community partners, Families Moving Forward(FMF), who’s worked with KIE’s Project ChangePurpose Fellows and the soon to be launched Durham Immerse. We talked with Ryan Fehrman, FMF’s Executive Director, to see how the FMF staff and guests are doing in this uncertain time.

“We know that the next several months will be hardest for those living on the margins, trying to make ends meet. We ask that you not forget about the agencies that serve this population so ably. We need significant funding support from our public partners to ensure that our services continue when times are toughest.”
– Ryan Fehrman
Watch Ryan’s video and consider calling or emailing Durham City Council members and contacting the Durham County Commissioners by email or by phone to voice your support for their work today.

Looking for a Connection?

RJ Circle Banner

Join KIE’s RJ Fellows on Wednesday, April 8th, at 5pm EDT to talk together about how this pandemic is impacting our lives, how we are coping, and how we can support one another. Open to all students in the Duke community!

Zoom link: https://duke.zoom.us/j/631638015


Read Restorative Justice Fellow Arya Patel’s blog post: 4 Ways to Get Closer from Far Away