During visit to campus, Khizr Khan praises American values, Constitution
Khizr Khan, visiting campus as part of a partnership between the Kenan Institute for Ethics and the Duke Islamic Studies Center, spoke at length about his love for the “dignities” and “liberties” the Constitution affords Americans during an April 20 public talk at the Trent-Semans Center at Duke.
Best known for a moment at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in which he flashed a pocket-sized copy of the Constitution to lecture then-candidate Donald Trump about the Bill of Rights, the lawyer and activist spoke to a crowd of almost 200 who listened to stories about Khan’s time at the convention and the people he’s met since his famous gesture.
“This document contains values,” he said of the Constitution. “It contains the goodness of this country and the goodness of this nation.”
Earlier in the day, Khan also met with a group of students as part of a Team Kenan “Do Lunch” program.
For a full recap of his talk, see this story on Duke Today. The presentation was part of the James P. Gorter Lectureship series.