Team Kenan Food Challenge, Feb. 17
Preparing meals is more complicated than just adding water. Food is a luxury for some, a scarcity for others, and political no matter who is eating at the table. Join Team Kenan for an afternoon of experiential learning to explore the factors that influence people’s food decisions. For this challenge, we will be getting out of the lecture hall, into the grocery store and the kitchen. Whether you are sent to Dollar General, Whole Foods, given a car or set off by foot, you and the rest of your family of five for the afternoon will be expected to have dinner on table that evening. Each family’s financial situation will be different, so you will have to budget your time, energy and funds wisely. Over dinner, Kenan Graduate Fellow and Nicholas School Ph.D candidate Shana Starobin will help us better understand what food politics and food insecurities look like in our neighborhoods and neighborhoods that look very different from ours.
No cost to participate. Challenge by food choice. Are you up for it?
When: Sunday, February 17th, starting at 3pm
Where: Meet at the Kenan Institute for Ethics
RSVP: Here