
The Ethics of Clinical Trials, Apr. 3

Ethics of Clinical Trials 400Join us Thursday, April 3rd for a discussion about the process of making better medical treatments. How can we design more effective clinical trials that minimize harm to participants and maximize medical benefits to everyone? What does an ideal balance of these competing goods look like? Do pharmaceutical companies have an obligation to society beyond their status as corporations whose primary objective is to make a profit? Which demographics benefit most from the health care system in its current form? In what ways can we practically restructure the system to maximize access to health-benefitting drugs?

The discussion will feature panelists Amy Abernethy, Director of the Center for Learning Healthcare and Director of the Duke Cancer Care Research Program at Duke University Health System and Philip Rosoff, Director of Clinical Ethics at Duke University Hospital.

Dinner by Nosh will be provided for those who RSVP by April 1st.

WHEN: April 3rd at 7pm
WHERE: Sanford 05
RSVP: By April 1st Click here to RSVP.