
New Resource to Advance Social Change

Connecting Civic Engagement and Social Innovation Toward Higher Education's Democratic PromiseKenan Distinguished Faculty Fellow Eric Mlyn has been working on a new resource for those in higher education who wish to promote and advance social change.  Stylus Publishing recently released the edited volume Civic Engagement and Social Innovation: Toward Higher Education’s Democratic Promise.  In it, Mlyn and Amanda Moore McBride, University of Denver, explore the civic engagement and social innovation movements prominent on many of our campuses.  They also look at the government role in scaling social innovations – a topic that will surely grow more important as we launch public and private COVID coping and recovery efforts.  Mlyn and McBride discuss some of their  findings with Campus Compact President Andrew Seligsohn in this podcast.

“We hope that readers come away from this volume with a new sense of how higher education can respond to the challenges of this historical moment with a renewed commitment to our democratic purpose. This was important before this global pandemic – it is now simply crucial.”
– Eric Mlyn