New dates selected for KIE events postponed due to weather
Due to winter weather throughout the semester, certain events have been cancelled or postponed. Below are all of the rescheduled events:
Laws that Learn: Adaptive Regulation of Pharmaceuticals, Mar. 6 (Previously scheduled for Friday, February 27)
Professor Kenneth Oye(MIT) and Professor Arti Rai (Duke) will discuss the challenges and opportunities in shifting the way the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and its counterparts around the world, regulate pharmaceutical products. Can and should we move from a one-time decision to approve a drug in general, to a sequential process of partial approvals with continued monitoring and learning over time? How can our regulatory systems incorporate continued learning, as new technologies and their impacts emerge? This event is one in the “Laws that Learn” seminar series, co-sponsored by the Center for Innovation Policy at Duke Law, the Rethinking Regulation Program at the Kenan Institute for Ethics, and the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke.
Ethics Film Series: Buena Vista Social Club, Mar. 16 (Previously scheduled for February 24)
Buena Vista Social Club (dir. Wim Wenders, 1999) tells the story of aging Cuban musicians whose talents had been virtually forgotten following Castro’s takeover of Cuba and how they are brought out of retirement by Ry Cooder, who travelled to Havana in order to bring the musicians together. The collaboration results in triumphant performances of extraordinary music, and resurrecting the musicians’ careers. The film will begin at 7:00pm in the Griffith Film Theater in Duke University’s Bryan Center, followed by a Q&A session with Recent Grammy winner Eric Oberstein, Associate Director of Duke Performances; Heather Settle, Director of Academic Engagement, Global and Civic Opportunities in the Office for Global Ed.; and David Font-Navarrete, Lecturing Fellow in the Thompson Writing Program!
Shavar Jeffries | Ethical Leadership: Self-Sacrifice as Public Service, Mar. 23 (Previously scheduled for January 27)
The Kenan Institute for Ethics is hosting practitioner in residence Shavar Jeffries, a Duke alumnus and partner at the law firm Lowenstein Sandler and civil rights lawyer. He will give a free public talk focusing on the challenges of leading large groups – how do you determine what people want? How do you balance what you think is right with other, often narrow, interests? Jeffries was previously an associate professor at Seton Hall University School of Law. From 2008 to 2010, he was assistant state attorney under Attorney General Anne Milgram, where he supervised several divisions, including the Division on Civil Rights, the Juvenile Justice Commission and the state’s multi-state litigation and advocacy portfolio. He also recently ran as a mayoral candidate in his native town of Newark, New Jersey. His visit is co-sponsored by the Hart Leadership Program.
Practitioner in Residence: Jon Favreau, Apr. 21
The significance of meaningful and effective words cannot be overrated, especially when a critical message is needed to stand out in a 24/7 news cycle and break through the constant noise of social media. Jon Favreau—director of speechwriting for President Barack Obama (2009-2013)—knows this all too well. Favreau will give a free public talk titled “Words Matter: Storytelling with President Obama in an Age of Sound Bites.” Public parking is available in the Science Drive Visitor Lot and the Bryan Center Lot and Deck. This visit is jointly presented by the KIE Practitioner in Residence Program and the Humanities Writ Large Network on Democracy and Law: Ancient and Modern. Co-sponsors include the Sanford School of Public Policy and the DeWitt Wallace Center for Media and Democracy.