
Laurence Helfer receives honorary doctorate for work on international rights courts

re1598809_helfer_stilliman_retouchedKIE Senior Fellow Laurence Helfer was recently awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Copenhagen for his work in the field of human rights and international law, including his work with sub-regional African courts. Helfer is the Harry R. Chadwick, Sr. Professor of Law at Duke Law School and also heads Duke Law’s Center for International and Comparative Law. The nomination for the degree came from Mikael Rask Madsen, who says:

Professor Helfer is a world leading expert in the field of human rights and international law. In recent years, together with several colleagues I have had the privilege of working with him. This collaboration has always been tremendously inspiring. Professor Helfer is not only a brilliant researcher and teacher but also an extremely dynamic person who engages himself in innovative projects that inspire the researchers and students around him.