
(Kenan) Senior Stories



By Rachel Revelle

While browsing on Duke Today this morning I came across a series called Senior Stories, highlighting interesting projects amongst the Class of 2013.  I was proud and excited to see that three of the stories were about Kenan students.

Alana Jackson was a spring Campus Grant winner, for her senior project on the intersection of public health and the arts. The culminating event was a performance of dance, music, and spoken word to explore the ways in which art plays a role in matters of health. Kenan was glad to help sponsor this creative endeavor that clearly brought together different modes of thinking and modes of being.

Bethany Horstmann has spent quite a bit of time with Kenan over her college career.  She spent her first days at Duke with Project Change, participated in our DukeEngage Dublin program after sophomore year, and is completing the Ethics Certificate. We are now featuring her senior thesis project on human trafficking in the latest installment of the Good Question series.

Finally, another familiar face is that of Emily McGinty. Also a Project Change alumna, and a member of Team Kenan, Emily’s biggest interest has been food-related issues.  She has done an incredible job helping to develop and advance the Duke Campus Farm.

I love the way that these seniors have put their passions to such clear purposes.  As the article says, they are leaving behind a record of scholarship and engagement.  They have also left their mark on the Kenan Institute, and we are grateful!