
Outgoing Postgrad Fellow Michaela Dwyer examines communal creative spaces in Dublin

OldCity-TempleBar-red-400In the summer of 2014, Bear Postgraduate Fellow in Ethics Michaela Dwyer returned to Ireland with the DukeEngage Dublin program, in which she had herself participated as a student three years prior. While there, she embarked on a project examining the role of creator and artist spaces open to a diverse community in Dublin. Her project was inspired by her earlier experience with The Exchange in Dublin, which by the time of her return visit had been ordered to suspend activities. She interviewed former volunteers with The Exchange as well as other figures who lead, support, or make use of communal artistic spaces in the city.

The final written piece connects the ongoing development of these spaces with changes in the Irish economy and immigration, as well as the nature of physical space in Dublin itself. Follow along with interactive maps that place you in the heart of Dublin as Dwyer leads you through time and space.

This is Dwyer’s final assignment as the Bear Postgraduate Fellow, and we are proud to welcome Cece Mercer as the Bear Fellow for 2015-2016.