
Ed Balleisen wins Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring

edward_balleisenThe Graduate School at Duke recognized Ed Balleisen, Program Director for Rethinking Regulation at KIE, with a Dean’s Award. Balleisen is joined by seven other recipients, professors and graduate students, who have been recognized for their work in mentoring, teaching, and promoting diversity in graduate education. Balleisen’s work with the Institute includes teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in regulatory ethics and serving as a team leader on a Bass Connections project. Read how past undergraduates from Balleisen’s course have used their regulatory knowledge through internships.

Dean Paula D. McClain and The Graduate School will be holding a reception to honor the recipients of this year’s awards on Wednesday, March 25, from 4:30–6:30 p.m., at the atrium of the Fitzpatrick Center for Interdisciplinary Engineering, Medicine and Applied Sciences. To attend, please RSVP by March 18.