
DukeEngage Provides Pathways to Research in Paraguay for Fulbright Scholar

A man in a blue suit speaks on a news program as a chyron reads "Investigadores Norteamericanos estudian la historia del Paraguay"
Along with DukeEngage Paraguay program director Christine Folch, Connors was invited on to the primetime Paraguayan news show “En Contexto” to talk about his research.

A DukeEngage program asked students to envision new development possibilities for Paraguay, a small South American country with a big electricity surplus. Two years post-DukeEngage, alum Austin Connors traveled to Paraguay as a Fulbright Scholar to research its energy policies amid ongoing debates.

“This is the overall debate in Paraguay right now: how this energy should be priced in order to best utilize it. The more specific question is: which industries are trying to use the energy, and which make sense in terms of investing back in the country?” – Austin Connors

Read the article on the DukeEngage website.