
Climate Ethics and Economics Workshop seeks abstracts

Reg-event-3-7The Duke University Climate Ethics and Economics workshop is accepting extended abstracts (500-1000 words), suitable for 30 min presentations. This workshop, co-sponsored by the Kenan Institute for Ethics, will be a chance to discuss new work in climate ethics and economics, and especially their intersection. A non-exhaustive list of potential topics follows:

– Measuring countries’ differentiated capabilities with regard to protecting the climate system

– The ethical aspects of discounting future costs and benefits, including declining discount rates.

– Valuation of non-human nature, the continued existence of human civilization, or futures containing very different amounts of people
– The relationship between non-consequentialist ethical approaches and economic analyses of climate change.

– The appropriate role of integrated assessment models (IAMs), and economic analysis generally, in setting climate change policy/communicating costs to the public

–  Measuring within-country vs between-country inequality in greenhouse gas emissions

Submit blinded abstracts via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dweecc2016  by December 1. We aim to have pre-circulation of papers by Feb 15.

A parallel workshop will be held at Goethe-University Frankfurt on the same days, which we plan to link with via videoconferencing at certain points. Information on the Frankfurt workshop is available here: http://www.fb03.uni-frankfurt.de/49601686/aktuelles#Archiv or contact Daniel Callies – daniel.callies@normativeorders.net

For questions about the Duke workshop, contact the lead organizer, Ewan Kingston: ewan.kingston@duke.edu.